Catching that True Smile

Photo-A-Day #3641

Eva was out all day so Allison and Andrew had a day together. It was a good day and when Andrew gets one on one time with either Allison or me after not having time together for a while he is adorable. He was extra adorable today. He was making scary faces and trying to scare me and Allison. There were lots of giggles. I asked him to make me scary faces so I could catch a true smile on his face.

I didn’t quite get a smile but I did get an authentic expression on his little face. Such a little imp.

DisneyNature’s Monkey Kingdom Featurette


Next month I’ll be heading to LA for a special screening of Disneynature’s MONKEY KINGDOM opening in theatres next month (April 17th). I’ll also get to go to the LA Zoo to photograph and learn about monkeys. I a so excited to be able to do this. I’m also excited to see this movie. I enjoyed Chimpanzee a few years back and need to get a look at Bears.

Disneynature has done a lot of good over the years. This featurette talks about what Disneynature has accomplished through their films and study of the animals filmed. The Official MONKEY KINGDOM website has tons of great information including an educator’s guide. You can also download the educator’s guide and a family activity pack below after the featurette.

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