More Skylanders and Round 2 of Rogue One

Mustache Jones
Photo-A-Day #4269

Tonight Allison and I went to see Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. It was even better seeing it a second time. I enjoyed it very much. During my second viewing I had read tons of reviews, posts about easter eggs and even more. Allison enjoyed it also. We were supposed to go to dinner and then the movie. Unfortunately we did not get out for dinner and instead had dinner at the movies. It was hot pretzel, nachos and popcorn kind of night. Carb central but we had fun!

Before we went to the movies I made the kids a frozen pizza and that brand came with a punch out mustache. You affix it to your face by putting it in your nose. Andrew gave it a try and then I quickly threw it out. If you can only imagine the amount of tissues that we’ve gone through this month alone…. Gross. But the pizza was really good, I snuck a piece like my dad always did.

In today’s video I show you some of my Christmas gifts. Yes, My Christmas gifts. I am hard to buy for because I go and buy things for myself. So I bought myself some Skylanders. I bought them with a gift card that my sister gave me last Christmas. That gift card sat in my wallet all year as I was waiting till there was something I wanted that would use the whole card. I got four new Skylanders Sensei figures and that did the trick. So, yes, I bought my Christmas gifts for myself with a gift card that was a Christmas gift of mine from the past year. That is some Inception level gift buying.

A Monster Calls Review

A Monster Calls

A few weeks ago Allison and I went into Boston to screen the movie A Monster Calls. This was a visually amazing film. The movie is the story of a young boy, Conor. He is a talented artist, devoted son and soft spoken polite boy. He is having a difficult life where his beloved mom, played so well by Felicity Jones, is ill, and he gets bullied and tormented in school on a daily basis. He’s been holding everything together as well as be can but things are starting to crack and break. The truth of his life will eventually come to light.

On top of everything a giant tree monster visits Conor nightly at 12:07am. It is through the interactions with the Monster that Conor begins to really understand that things are not just black and white. Each story weaves an intricate tale that can be confusing to see who the real good guy is, if there even is one. After three stories from the Monster Conor has has to tell his own story and it must be his truth.

Below I have the trailer of the movie as well as two featurettes.

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