Yellow Belts and Angelic Voices

Eva at the Concert

Photo-A-Day #4270

Today Andrew had a Stripe/Belt test for Karate. He’s been in Karate for a few months now and he loves it. I may have to remind him to sit still and stand still in class every ride to karate but he is loving it and he’s been doing very well. He has many of the moves down and he has his blocks down, too. Sometimes he faces the wrong way but he’s getting there. He certainly has enthusiasm for the program. I like it very much, the Sensei and other instructors are excellent with the kids.

After Karate it was a trip to KC’s Burger Bar for dinner. We shared Fried Pickles and then he had a hot dog and I had a BLT. We had to hustle because it was Christmas Program night for Eva.

Eva’s class put on the story of the birth of Jesus. There was also a choir concert. Eva played the role of the Angel Gabriel and she did really well. I had a prime seat to capture her performance.

I’m so very proud of my two kids and what they have been doing lately. I can’t wait to see Andrew get his belt tomorrow!