Eva’s Trip to The Little Red Schoolhouse

Little Red Schoolhouse
Photo-A-Day #4405

Today Eva had a field trip to The Little Red Schoolhouse. This has been a trip that kids at her school have been doing for years. I went there when I was a kid, too. All the kids dress up from colonial times and they bring their lunches in baskets and things like that. She even had us make bone in chicken breasts the night before so her lunch could be more authentic. She’s definitely our kid.

Today I attempted a DIY project but it got stopped because I destroyed a portion that was needed. So, I had to put it on hold to go and get a special part. I’ll continue the project tomorrow. It is for a blog post coming next month.

I got a couple more Marvel LEGO sets recently to continue my collection of Marvel sets. I’ve got all the Guardians and am having a good time making these sets. We were going to build one of the sets during Built from Bricks but instead we worked on a fun stop motion, they take a long time to do.

Speaking of time. I did not have time today to make another stop motion or build of a set and instead today’s post is about a new organizational system that Eva is using for her LEGO pieces. Check it out below.

Marvel LEGO Super Heroes – Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Ayesha’s Revenge – Set 76080

Marvel LEGO Superheroes
Photo-A-Day #4404

The countdown to Guardians of the Galaxy is on and today’s set is Marvel LEGO Super Heroes Set #76080 – Ayesha’s Revenge. This set features Yondu, Baby Groot, Star-Lord and Ayesha. There are two vehicles in the set and some stud launchers plus a missile launcher. Baby Groot is a MicroFig. There are also some really interesting elements to how the Ravager ship works.