Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Character Art Revealed


Oh how I miss the 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Everything about it worked for me the instant I saw it. From the character voices to the plotlines, this was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles story that I was waiting for. Then it got into the later seasons and changed its name to Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the end was coming about.

Now a whole new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series is about to start up later this year. I don’t have a release date yet but I do have character designs and voice actor information below.

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My Creative Lego Kids

Beasts Castle
Photo-A-Day #4678

At 4:45am Andrew came into our room. He was up and ready for the day.He wasn’t going back to sleep so he and Allison build one of the LEGO sets that be got yesterday. When Eva woke up she joined him and they started building their own creations. Eva made this creation above. She explained it all to me before school. This is Beast’s Castle and through the window you can see the enchanted rose under glass. Then what you cannot see is some water that is running under the castle to a waterfall. I was quite proud of her imagination and creation.

Andrew was home with me again because of his fever yesterday. He had high temps off and on again today. We mostly took it easy and he was doing okay, a little coughing and a bit tired but fighting it. We picked Eva up from school because it was a half day. We also went to my parents’ house so that I could help dad install the flatscreen TV. He’s all ready to go for the big game Sunday.