Review: Crayola Crayon Melter

The Crayola Crayon Melter

Crayola sent us a Crayola Crayon Melter for free to play with and to review because I am doing a Twitter Party on 12/20 at 11am about the product. You can RSVP to participate by going to and following the hashtag #MeltNCreate on Twitter.

We first saw the Crayon Melter at Sweet Suite where Andrew and Eva got to try it out. Andrew enjoyed this product very much and made a really nice Lion. The Lion and the Fish are two designs that come with the Crayon Melter set. You can purchase additional sets like the Canvas Art accessory pack and a Sticker Art Set accessory to go with your Melter! The melter comes with 8 unwrapped crayons but if your house is anything like ours then I am sure you can find a bunch of wrapped and unwrapped crayons that you’d like to melt. For those already wrapped crayons the set comes with a label cutter so that you can easily remove wrappers. You can see it in action in our video below.

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Our Little Dragon Black Belt

Andrew and Sensei Sarah

If has been a few months since we moved from America’s Best Defense Mansfield to ABD North Attleboro. Andrew has progressed along and has just earned his Little Dragons black belt. We were a little behind because of the Summer where we all took time off of things including Karate. So, when we got back Andrew was behind in his earning stripes to move to his next belt. He did not have enough to graduate in Mansfield and so when we moved to North he had to keep going and earning stripes. He graduated with four stripes. Actually 5 because he had earned two before coming to North and one fell off his belt. So, he was ready.

While his discipline still has a bit to be desired he continues to work on karate and enjoy it. He was very happy to earn this belt. We are so proud of what he has accomplished. He will move on to Karate Kids now and will come in at an Orange belt, I think. I also think that the extra time for him to work more on his slef discipline, but his constant “flossing” tells me otherwise. More will be expected of him from the new class, too.

Andrew and Sensei Wilson

Karate has been a great thing for Andrew. He continues to improve with each passing class. We look forward to see where he will go with it.