Feeling the Power

XBox Charger
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00056

I’ve been playing a bunch of XBox games lately and instead of constantly replacing batteries I went and picked up a rechargeable platform for my two controllers. This works really well, too. You push down the spot to engage and push back up just for storage. I once again have to set everything up again in my office so that I can have a clean and usable space. In the meantime I have fully charged controllers and can play as often as I have time.

You can pick this up from Amazon.com through our affiliate link.

National Tortilla Chip Day

National Tortilla Chip Day
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00055

On Sunday nights I work near a Moe’s and once in a while I pick up chips and queso. I picked some up tonight because it was National Tortilla Chip Day. While the chips aren’t the main attraction in this bundle it was an excuse to pick some up and enjoy.