Review: Chicken War™ Strategic Guessing Game

The Kids Playing Chicken WarWe received a free copy of Chicken War™ the Strategic Guessing Game from Think Fun to play with and Review. Opinions are our own.

We’ve always been a family that enjoys playing board games. Now with the whole family home every day during the quarantine/isolation we have been playing a lot more. Thankfully Think Fun has supplied us with a new game to help pass the time and frustrate me to no end. Let me explain.

Chicken War™ is a strategic guessing game where you battle other players to see if you can assemble a chicken army before the other players can guess your chicken leader. But there is a catch, there is always a catch. In order to have a full chicken army every one of the recruits has to share 2 and only two traits with the leader. I played this with Andrew and over and over again I thought I had everything right only to find that one of the recruits shared 3 things in common. When that happens you have to pick a new leader and then start assembling the army once again. I think this happened 5 times for me on one game. And thought that I was really good at strategy games.

Andy ended up winning that one. He has played several times with his sister and they both enjoy the game a lot. We have not played as a whole family but that might be tonight’s activity. The full description of the game is below pus information on how to purchase it. You can pre-order it from (through our affiliate link) as it is shipping on May 4th. Continue reading Review: Chicken War™ Strategic Guessing Game

Social Distancing with Dad

Social Distancing with Dad

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00485

I helped my dad today. He called me last night and asked if I would help him put in some windows at a house he was working on. He’s replaced all the windows in this house over the years and was on the last two. We did uphold social distancing as the window was 7 feet wide and we each had to hold onto one end. Then when the window was in we were separated by the glass, plus our masks.

It was good to see my dad outside of a zoom window. Our family has been having zoom sessions once a week and while they are great and nice to see everyone I’d much rather be able to see everyone in person.

I don’t know when it will be safe to gather once more. I don’t put that much faith in early loosening of restrictions. We’ve got masks though and do the hand washing so at least there is that and that is more than so many other people are doing. Earlier this week I went to the supermarket to get groceries. I only do this once a week, alone and masked. I see so many people who do not have masks or are wearing them wrong. It is disheartening.

At least there is Some Good News. No, no good news on the virus abating but rather the Some Good News NEtwork that John Krasinski has started and it is really sweet. We watched three of the episodes last night with the kids and they loved it. Eva especially loved the second episode. If you haven’t see in before check out the very first episode.

There are five of them so far. We look forward to more Good News!