Review: Water Game by Adventerra Games

Water Game

We received a copy of Water Game from Adventerra Games for free to play and review. Opinions are our own.

Being cooped up at home with the family has been a good way for us to spend time together. We also welcome distractions and play so when I was asked if we wanted to check out Adventerra Games’ new board game called Water Game I was, well, game. In Water Game each player is not only trying to win on their own but each player has to have a minimum number of gallons of water or everyone loses. It a cross between a competitive and cooperative game. Continue reading Review: Water Game by Adventerra Games

National Superhero Day

Super Hero Day

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00484

Today is National Superhero Day. Allison has been making masks and she found some great material that have the Marvel superheroes on it. She made this one for me that has Iron Man showing quite prominently. I wore it for the better part of the morning.

First thing I did was take Andy over to America’s Best Defense because we could pick up our new belts. We both earned our green belts and also our first stripes on those belts. We continue to take classes every Monday and Wednesday via Zoom.

I brought Andy back to the house and then went out again to the Post Office and then Stop & Shop. It is hard being out and about. Things needed to get done. Groceries needed to be picked up and masks needed to be mailed out. I could not believe how many people were not wearing anything over their mouths and noses or if they were wearing masks the masks were not completely covering their mouths and noses. Not very effective.

I’ve been thinking on national superhero day and how real heroes are everywhere helping people every day. From the doctors and nurses on the front lines treating people who have the disease to our first responders also putting their lives at risk. Then there are people who have to work everyday jobs who are also in the line of fire of this disease. The least that the rest of us can do is try our best to protect them and that means taking the necessary precautions like wearing a mask, keeping safe distance and washing our hands.