He’s Not Wrong, But that Elf Sold Me Out

Snitchy The Elf
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00718

I should start calling Fitzy Snitchy the Elf since he sold me out over my office. I have this sign on the door that I light up when I am making videos. Most of the time those videos are about Video Games so I do often play video games in the office. Still, Fitzy did not need to draw attention to that fact.

We had a nice day today. I took Andy for a haircut and of course forgot to get a picture of how handsome he is looking. We then went to Target to shop for a gif for Allison and I got him lunch along the ride home.

Speaking of Video Games, when I got home I was back at work on some gameplay videos. We had to finish up so that we could all watch The Croods: A New Age tonight because I had a Twitter Party invitation to attend. It was a really funny movie. Andy and I were howling at it. We enjoyed it very much.