Christmas 2020

Mickey Funko
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00725

Our Christmas day was pretty relaxed. We got up late and opened gifts. We had our cinnamon rolls after all the gifts were opened. It was a lighter year this year Some gifts did not arrive on time and some were for things and experiences in the future. Last year Allison and I gave each other some fun gifts for events but they did not happen because of the virus.

Also, because of the virus we were home. We did not venture down to the Cape to spend time with my parents and sister and brother-in-law. We stayed put and had a nice day, we did do Zoom calls for both sides of the family. The kids were excited about their gifts. Andy got a new controller for the Nintendo Switch and Eva got a Dungeons & dragons starter set and she is very excited about that. The kids got me some Hot Wheels and I got Allison some sewing lessons.

Jingle Socks

Eva also got Andy some Jingle Bell socks and he enjoyed wearing them all day long so he jingled while he walked.

Happy D and D Girl

Eva would like to do a D&D campaign soon. She really wants to be the dungeon master.

We had meat pie for dinner and then played some games including 5 Minute Marvel, a spin on the 5 Minute Dungeon games.

We all went to bed a little later than usual because of all the excitement, and probably sugar, from the day. It was a different Christmas but it was a nice one just the same.