National Cereal Day Countdown

national cereal day
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01881

My friends at General Mills have decided to include me in their countdown to National Cereal Day. They sent me a really fun box of 7 mystery items. One for each day as we count down to National Cereal Day.

Countdown box

General Mills has been so good to me over the years by sending me some fun things and I’ve enjoyed it and definitely enjoying their cereals. Many times I’ve done a national cereal day for the folks in my office.

Countdown Choices

Whoever is in charge of creating these engagement shipments really has some great ideas. I love the idea of a countdown to National Cereal Day. Today I opened op the first box and inside were two packages of single servings of Cheerios. that makes sense because Cheerios is probably one of the most well known cereals out there from General Mills.

Day one of the Countdown

I’m excited to see what is behind the door of Day 2 tomorrow.