Saint Patrick’s Day 2024

Saint Patricks Day Dinner
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01897

This morning I came home from work. First one out the door because we now have to work the entire night and can’t slip out during our break. That is, until this no longer becomes a point of interest for the upper management. Had things just been done quietly it would still be going smoothly.

I took a quick little nap and then we caught up with my parents and they took us to lunch at Box Seats. We had a very nice lunch together and then they went home after their month or so in Florida. They brought the nice warm weather with them, too.

Boiled Dinner

I went home and got some more sleep before work tonight. Allison made a great boiled dinner for us and also some Irish Soda bread. Everything came out terrific. I even had my yearly pint of Guinness.