Downtown Attleboro

downtown attleboro
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01982

I’m feeling much better today. Went to class this morning and got to congratulate one of my friend for making it on their Black Belt test. He completed it with a full on sinus infection. He was determined. So glad that he earned his belt. He’ll be going back to partnering with my partner because they had been partners before his knee surgeries. Plus, I’m going to be off for 2 months of the Summer.

After class I picked up Eva and we got bagels a Boro Bagel in Downtown Attleboro. It is a new bagel place and is really good. We got bagels and I also got some bagel chips and their new Oreo cream cheese to dip them in.

Tonight after dinner Andy let us know that they had a project tomorrow at school and that they needed pool noodles and balloons for the project. So, Allison and I went to Big Lots to get them and while we were out we also ran to Bandidos to pick up a gift card for Eva’s art teacher. Eva had independent study art this semester and we were glad that her teacher allowed her to do that in her class. While Allison was inside getting the gift card I took this photo of a church downtown where I went to pre-school. It is also right in the heart of downtown by the train bridge. I thought the sky looked interesting.