Has it been 60 Years… already?

Photo-A-Day #1695

Each year we have a large family party for Christmas and this year we decided to do it early and also celebrate a wonderful testament to love. Today we celebrated my Grandparent’s 60th Wedding Anniversary. My grandparents thought this was going to be the typical yearly party. They sure were surprised when they found out that there was a double purpose to the gathering.

The Bennett family Christmas party is one event that I really look forward to every year. Everyone is relaxed and there to have fun. We catch up with each other and celebrate the family. This year was very nice because that little project I did a few weeks ago came to fruition today. I gathered photos from the family and scanned them into my computer and then gave them to my sister to create a DVD. She showed the video on the ceiling with here computer and projector. It was a great blank wall to show the video and in a large room we were able to accommodate pretty much everyone.

Seeing photos from family parties from years past, weddings and everyday life was very nice. It showed how much our family loves to celebrate each other in our happiest moments. All of this is because of my grandparents and the love that they instilled in and share with the family. So today was a wonderful celebration of them and their life together and the strong family that they have nurtured for sixty years.

I have to disclose that the photo was made using Photoshop Elements and the group shot feature. It is a perfect feature to use, especially with such a large group because no matter how many images I have, someone always closes their eyes or looks at one of the 10 other cameras that come out as soon as a group shot is being taken. So I only had to use two images to make this one. I’ll have to do up a tutorial on how to use the feature sometime soon. I have to run it again to get some more photos from today. My sister Tara took this one of Dad, Grandpa and I. We take these as well when we get together.

3 Generations 2009

4 thoughts on “Has it been 60 Years… already?”

    1. Deborah,

      Thank you. I wish I had more photos and would like to start a family archive of all of our photos. That way we can keep the family history alive.

  1. Thanks, Drew. Grandma and grandpa have definetly been wonderful role models for our family.

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