A Visit With Grandma and Some Captain Baker’s Donuts

andy and Great Grandma
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01200

Today Andy, Tara dad and I went to Harwich to visit Grandma Bennett. Along the way we stopped at Marathon sports so dad could get some new sneakers. We also stopped at Captain Baker’s Donuts so that we could get a bunch of Easter themed donuts. We went to Captain Baker’s last Summer and it was an amazing place with fantastic donuts. Today Andy made his own donut a Chocolate cake donut with maple glaze bacon and caramel drizzle. It looked amazing except for maple, I’m not a fan. I got a few of the Glazed and Confused donuts. What I did not know until they were done making them was that the yellow drizzle was banana. I hate banana. Luckily, it was not a overpowering taste and when I ate the donut I could not taste banana at all. I also got a couple of other donuts to bring home and one for Grandma and one for Dad plus some gluten-free ones for Tara and my mom.

Half Dozen Captain Baker Donuts

We took the donuts to Grandma’s house and ate them there. Grandma was so happy to see us. It has been a while since we’ve been able to go for a visit. Grandma could not believe how tall Andy has gotten. He’s nearly taller than her at this point.