Making a Chicken Coop for Easter

Making a Bunny House
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01199

Apparently Target has decided that because people make Gingerbread houses for Christmas that there should be various other holiday houses to make and so for Easter they had a bunny hutch and a chicken coop that you could make and decorate. I know ho much Andy likes to decorate things so I picked up the chicken coop for him to do. He made it today when we got down to the The Cape. I decided to take him for a few days before everyone came down for Easter so that we could spend some time together and so that he could spend some time with his grandparents and aunt before everyone else came down. We drove down and spent the afternoon with everyone. I picked up some Paul’s Pizza for dinner for Andy, Dad and myself. Tara went to Estia for pizza for herself and my mom. After dinner we watched the movie Back to the Outback. Andy and Auntie Tara really enjoyed it because of the ties to Australia.