Good day today. Had breakfast with my brother-in-law and caught up with him. Went to church and Uncle Mike joined us. Went to the North Attleboro Winter Farmer’s Market at Attleboro Farms and got Kettle Corn and Eva a cookie. Saved over $50 while shopping and made out like a bandit at CVS. Started week one of our month of Meal planning with Tex Mex burgers that were delicious. A good day today. Now if only Eva will fall asleep.
I did save a ton of money today and it was our second day with the envelope system. I bought $6.00 with of newspapers, the Sun Chronicle, the Boston Herald and the Boston Globe. With those papers we were able to save close to $50 in our shopping today. It was pretty sweet.
Hi Ben,
I tried the envelope system a few years ago, and it’s definitely effective. For some reason, I went back to just using my debit card for everything, but it’s tough to keep track of what I spend. I think I might be ready to try the envelope again. Thanks for the reminder!
Always enjoy your photos and posts. (Thanks for introducing me to ShutterCal, too!)
Hi Erica,
Thanks for the comment. The envelope system really is pretty sweet. I like this very much and so far it is working pretty well for us (as short as we have been using it). I’m glad that you’ve found shuttercal and are enjoying it too. Let me know if you go back to the envelopes and how it is working for you. You can always call me ben, not a problem.
Sorry Drew! I always think of you as @benspark.
.-= Look at what Erica wrote blog ..A Vermont Photographer Inspired by Winter =-.
Dave Ramsey’s system really is great. And be careful…all that couponing and saving gets VERY addictive…I should know
In the immortal words of an 80’s PSA “I learned it by watching you”. I got the idea of multiple papers from a post that Allison read on your blog. We need to do way more couponing.
Why do we call it falling asleep. There is really not any falling involved unless you get that terrifying dream where you are falling off a cliff and wake up screaming just before you hit the ground. Even that does not make sense that would be more like falling awake.
To fall asleep is late 14 century using the definition for fall that means to pass into some physical, mental, or emotional condition: to fall asleep; to fall in love.
It’s called Google. Learn to use it. Google likes inane questions from people posing as their dogs. Really it does, maybe you can get a signed autograph from Google.
Thanks for the answer I do appreciate it. However by asking you these questions I am allowing you to create content for you blog. Which in turn drives readers and will allow you to quit your to reach your goals that much sooner.
I seem to recall you saying once the google was not God. In fact didn’t you have some kind of a feud with google. Are you now suggest that I go use google. I believe I one of you biggest and longest ternured supporters and you are suggesting I go away. This kind of hurts.
Have I upset you in some way?
I’ve patched things up with Google, we’re good.
Good job on the savings. We’ve only used cash for everything for several years now. Other than buying the house of course. It’s made things so much easier.
.-= Look at what Deborah wrote blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.
Glad to hear from others who are having success on cash alone.
I used the envelope system about ten year ago, now I use a spreadsheet where I put all my monthly expenses by categories and our income, when I spend something I reduce the amount on the right category and this way I always know what’s left from that category.
No matter the system we use as long as it works.
.-= Look at what Laura wrote blog ..I got a New Domain: =-.
Hi Laura,
Exactly, if a system keeps you organized and energized to stay debt free then it is a perfectly fine system. I’m sure we will change ours and evolve with it.
I’m very excited-I looked up some classes and there are some starting soon in the next town over. I’m all over this-I need all the help I can get! Thanks for your feedback on it!!
Also, I love the photo of Eva and her crib posse! I miss you all very much!! I’m still bummed we didn’t see each other over Christmas. I’m planning on coming home in July for a week to see the Fisher Cats new trainer in action…they are playing the Sea Dogs that week so you’re all going to have to come!!
We’ll have to get up there and see that new trainer in action as well. I’m glad you found courses in your area, sign up quick because the spaces fill up so fast. I wish that we had seen each other as well.