Photo-A-Day #4362
I got another new shirt for Philly Brick Fest Live in April. It is of Optimus Prime assembling a truck in LEGO form. It is called Autoblox. I also found some Transformers socks, one pair does not fit, though. It is weird that one pair fits fine and the other is too small.
I picked up some new cardboard for backdrops, too. I want to make sure that my photos get the best quality possible. I may have to get some more lights so that lights are up around all sides of my mini studio. But first, I really need to take a bunch of cardboard and cut up my Skylanders boxes to make a physical backdrop for the show. That is what I need to get done, or I can look into painting the pink wall green-screen green. I’m not sure how that would work. I have lots of ideas but little time to execute on all of them.