Birthday Dinner at Boneyard

At Boneyard
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01559

We went to the Boneyard BBQ for my birthday dinner today. We had already gone out for breakfast yesterday so in order to spread things out a bit more we held off until today to enjoy going to Boneyard. Several years back we had taken the kids here and they did not like it because of all the band posters on all the tables. They scared the kids. Now, the kids have musical tastes and were excited to see many of the posters from bands that they now know and enjoy. I was very excited about that. I did want to get a whole family photo but Andy got a little sick and was outside with Allison when I finally remembered that I wanted a photo. So Eva and I took one but he license plate wall. I think that is my go to place in the restaurant to get photos.

Lunch was really good and everyone enjoyed what they got. We had some left overs which we probably will not eat but there you have it. I was glad that we could go there for a birthday lunch together.