In case you haven’t read the last three days you may have missed that I’ve been all about Ryan and Amanda from have been great. They sent me a Warrior Pack with pieces from their Greek and Roman mythology series. I’ve been calling it the Gladiator Warrior Pack, that might not be correctly named but that is what I think of when I play with the pieces. I made a video on Friday and edited today plus added some new parts to it. This is my review of the BrickWarriors Gladiator Warrior Pack.
The Warrior pack came with 8 pieces. The Minotaur head is made up of three pieces or rather two pieces but one of them snapped apart to make three pieces. That was the head and two horns. The set also came with a Dervish Sword, Gladiator Axe, Minotaur Axe, Rhino Helmet and the Gladiator Pauldron. Each piece is excellent and they fit perfectly with minifigs. The Warrior Pack comes in a colorful bag printed with minifigs with BrickWarriors accessories. I would have liked to have seen a list of the pieces in the bag but I can understand if these bags are used for multiple Warrior Packs.

After playing with these accessories for four days and spending time on I decided to fill my shopping cart with a bunch of individual pieces and a couple more Warrior Packs. Once you start buying pieces from it is very hard to stop. is always creating new and interesting pieces too and they have a thriving community of fans who not only enjoy playing with the accessories but enjoy using those accessories to create and photograph MOCs, My Own Creations.
I’d like to add the Press Release about to this post to let you know more info about the company and what they have done to make the lives of LEGO enthusiasts even better.
WILMINGTON, DELAWARE (February 5, 2013) – Recent University of Delaware graduates head to New York to launch their first board game, Chains to Champions. Ryan Hauge and Amanda Taylor, the founders of BrickWarriors LLC, are thrilled to debut their game at Toy Fair.
Chains to Champions is a gladiator-themed board game that incorporates BrickWarriors’ LEGO® compatible accessories. The game combines mathematical probability with human ingenuity to create a strategy game that is unique each time you play. Hauge really enjoyed creating and designing a board game of his own: “We designed a game and had a lot of fun with it. Hopefully other people will have fun too.” They hope Toy Fair will help take Chains to Champions to the next level and bring it to stores near you.
BrickWarriors LLC will also be promoting their “Warrior Packs”, which are currently available in a handful of brick and mortar locations throughout the U.S. and Canada. The Warrior Packs include seven to nine BrickWarriors premium minifigures accessories in themed groups. “Kids love them,” says Joe Mitchell, owner of YoYo Joe’s, a toy store in Wilmington, Delaware.
BrickWarriors LLC offers custom Lego compatible helmets, armor, weapons, and accessories. All BrickWarriors toys fit seamlessly with your LEGO minifigures. For more information about BrickWarriors, please visit
BrickWarriors’ vision is to create minifigures accessories for themes that LEGO® has yet to focus on. Currently we have over 100 accessories, with everything from ancient history to sci-fi.
Disclosure: I was sent a Warrior Pack to try out and review. Opinions of the Products are 100% my own.