Category Archives: Comic Book

Loot Crate REWIND

Photo-A-Day #3576

I’m a couple of days late on this one. I received my Loot Crate for January on the 20th and haven’t had a chance to thoroughly explore it. It was full of some very cool retro items.

The big item inside was an exclusive Voltron T-Shirt. This blueprint looking shirt with the Lion Voltron on it is exclusive to Loot Crate members. There was also a Retro Arcade Skinny Tie from Black Tie Geek. It has space invaders on it. I love little toys and figures and this time around was a 10-Doh! figure. I didn’t get the rare gold one but I did get a Dr. Who one. Each of these figures looks like an old NES cartridge but has arms and legs. They even have the NES Zapper to hold. I would have LOVED to get the Fire Hunt one which was a take on Firefly and Duck Hunt. Very cool.

The crate also contained a very special Loot Crate variant cover of the new Star Wars comic book from Marvel. It features Han and Chewy smuggling some special crates across the galaxy.

Also included was a cool little book. It is the Comic Note Book. This is a tiny blank comic book. with stencils for word balloons. This was from the Unemployed Philosopher’s Guild. I think I may pick up another one of these for Eva. She likes to draw.

The box was once again super cool. This time the box was a Nintendo Entertainment System and part of the mini magazine pops out to make a controller. I love it.

All new Avengers Age of Ultron Trailer is LIVE

I can’t tell you how amazingly excited I am to see Avengers Age of Ultron. The trailer looks amazing and the Avengers are going to have an awful time trying to defeat Ultron. In the trailer we see More Hulkbuster Armor, More Avengers vs Avenger fighting and Ultron saying, “I’m gonna tear you apart… from the inside.” So in my best guess is that Ultron is going to destroy the Avengers by making them turn on and doubt each other. This is a good plan because even though they had their battle to save New York in the first Avengers movie they are not a complete and cohesive team. They had one battle that brought them together but in the end they went their separate ways. There are some major trust issues within the group and even the good intentions can turn out disastrous. The Avengers as we know them in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) are going to be completely changed by the end of the movie. See for yourself.

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