Category Archives: Pets

Photo-A-Day #788 06/05/07

Don’t forget to enter BenSpark’s Refreshing Soda-Club Contest…, you have until June 16 to get in your entries. The first entry came in today. Check out. Soda-Club Contest at Lets have some more entries folks. A really great first prize for the winner.

Todays photo is of a baby squirrel in a nest in our backyard. My sister was in the back yard and she shouted up to me for binoculars, I guess there are some squirrels as well as a family of woodpeckers out in the big backyard tree. Both families have made homes in some of the places where branches have snapped off in big wind storms. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #788 06/05/07

Photo-A-Day #754 05/02/07

Cat Stretch

Sometimes I wish I could stretch like Oliver can. Well it is going to be a short post for me tonight. I did quite a few posts on my other blogs and you can visit them at Flatwater Tech (I have Joost Invites for you) and BenSpark 2: Electric Boogaloo. I still haven’t gotten much up on The Wired Kayaker and need to start pumping that site up with good content. A bonus picture after the more. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #754 05/02/07