Category Archives: Photo-A-Day

Brunch with Santa 2012

Photo-A-Day #2809

Today Allison, Eva, Andrew and I went with my Dad to Red Stone Grill for the Annual Santa Brunch. While the Santa they had this year was good this was absolutely not the same as it has been in past years. The major difference is that Santa was not Uncle Howard. He really played a great role in making the experience a fantastic one. He would go from table to table and talk to the patrons and even give out gifts to the kids. This Santa just stayed at the entrance and greeted people as they came in. Eva kept asking when Santa would come to our table.

Continue reading Brunch with Santa 2012

Take Time to Color

Photo-A-Day #2808

I love to color. Give me a box of 64 Crayola crayons and something to color and I’ll be happy for an hour. You really lose yourself while you color. Coloring is also something I thoroughly enjoy doing with Eva. She asked me to color this picture for her. I colored the Life Element Team of Skylanders a while back and gave it to her. She had me tape it to her wall along with the Walmart poster with the release of Skylanders Giants.

Finished picture after the jump. Continue reading Take Time to Color