Category Archives: Photo-A-Day

Taking a Nature Walk

Photo-A-Day #1961

This morning and early afternoon I took Eva over to the World War I Memorial Park. I had Eva take a disposable camera with her. We had one hanging around and she loves to take pictures. I think that using the disposable camera has helped Eva improve her photography skills. She is now looking at what she wants to shoot before shoots it. Once the disposable was finished she moved on to my point and shoot digital camera, the Canon SD800is. Continue reading Taking a Nature Walk

Recycling Content

Photo-A-Day #1960

One thing that I learned more about while reading Attention was that Recycling older content can be worthwhile. Yesterday I started doing that by creating my first ever Photo-A-Day Podcast. I took my very first posts from the Photo-A-Day project and talked about each image. One of the images was of a Snoopy Latch-hook that my aunt made me. Tonight while looking for something to shoot I saw it wedged next to the filing cabinet and this photo is of the back of it. Continue reading Recycling Content