Category Archives: Photography

Macro LEGO and Micro Building

Macro Level LEGO
Photo-A-Day #4636

Tonight I went over to Brian’s house to film Built from Bricks. This week was a little different than past weeks because this week we actually had a guest in the studio. Luke Taylor is a LEGO enthusiast who builds on Micro scale. Micro scale is when you take some of the smallest bricks from LEGO and make them look like much larger things like buildings and such. Luke makes amazing city skylines that are futuristic in nature. He brought two of his creations with him to the garage to show us and to talk with our fans on the YouTube LiveStream. You can see the livestream below.

The photo today was taken with my new Pixel 2 XL and a clip on selfie light/lens combination. the lens combination has both Macro and Wide Angle. I was playing around with the macro lens and shot this image of a single LEGO round stud. I like this new toy a lot. You can pick up your own through my link below.

Cape Cod Timelapses and 360s

Falmouth Harbor
Photo-A-Day #4502

Today I got up early and drove out to Nobska Lighthouse. I wanted to make a timelapse of the sunrise there. However, when I got there it wasn’t the best place to make this video. Everything was obstructed. I got a little timelapse made but not what I pictured in my mind.

Then I drove to the Falmouth Harbor and made a 360 of the entrance to the harbor. I think that one came out better. Later on I took Eva to Science School and made one last timelapse of the inlet harbor along the Shining Sea Bike Path. They are all below.

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