Category Archives: Review

SwagsGiving 2 Giveaway: Redakai

I received a Redakai X-Reader Starter Pack to test and review. When I was in college I started collecting a Collectible Trading Card based on a series of comics that I really enjoyed. When I say I was into this I was REALLY into this. I ordered packs by the case. A case had over 5 boxes in it. It was crazy. If this game was around when I was collecting I’m pretty sure I would be into this game because it looks so fun. I’m actually interested in playing this game with someone else who plays.

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SwagsGiving 2 Giveaway: Jungle Speed & Dixit

When I was at the Time to Play Showcase I learned about two fun games, Jungle Speed and Dixit. I left the showcase with a copy of each in tow. I really wanted Asmodee to be a part of SwagsGiving so I asked if they’d provide two additional copies of the game for me to give away. Asmodee makes some beautiful games you can find out about all of them at the The Asmodee Website. But the two I’m talking about are Jungle Speed and Dixit.

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