Category Archives: Review

Review: Oliver’s Labels

Oliver's LabelsThankfully Eva isn’t out of the house too much at daycare or anywhere else. We like that she can stay home with Allison for much of her time. However, Eva does get to go to her cousin’s and friends’s homes as well as to the YMCA Childwatch program. When she does, she has stuff that goes with her. Stuff and kids, well some of it tends to get lost easily or mixed up. The stuff, not so much the kids, hopefully. So, instead of using a sharpie and writing on the stuff with that being at risk for smudging or ruining clothes you could instead label that stuff quickly and easily with Oliver’s Labels. Continue reading Review: Oliver’s Labels

DVD/Blu-ray Review: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Box ArtWe received a copy of the recently released and re-mastered Disney classic movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I remember seeing the movie as a child and I believe I remember it pretty fondly as it had some fun aspects to it: flying car, fun characters and humor. Watching it again as an adult I actually “got it”. I never actually realized that the amazing Dick Van Dyke (the guy is incredible) was a single dad raising two kids and he told the kids this fantasmagorical story. I missed that whole point as a child. I never realized that until we watched the movie together this past weekend.

Continue reading DVD/Blu-ray Review: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang