Category Archives: Review

Review: Road Rippers Pontiac GTO: The Judge

Photo-A-Day #2045

I was sent a Road Rippers R/C Pontiac GTO: The Judge by Child’s Play PR on behalf of Toy State. Toy State has a ton of great remote control vehicles. They have tons of different models of cars like Hummers, Mustangs and they have a whole line of remote controlled CAT licensed construction vehicles. Now I see their commercials on the On Demand episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Continue reading Review: Road Rippers Pontiac GTO: The Judge

Review & Giveaway: Stepping Stones Together

Stepping Stones Together

Before Eva was born I read to her. Reading is a huge part of my life and I want to instill that love of reading in Eva. As a family we read somewhere between 7 and 10 books a day to Eva. We’ve been reading one book almost every single night for a month that when we intentionally say the wrong words, Eva corrects us. She has pretty much memorized the book. I did that as a kid too. Continue reading Review & Giveaway: Stepping Stones Together