Category Archives: Toys

Marvel Legends Infinite Series – Star-Lord Figure

Photo-A-Day #3399

We received a large box of Guardians of the Galaxy toys from Hasbro to play with and review. Opinions of the toys are 100% our own. Since it is basically Guardians of the Galaxy week here on the blog I figured I’d show you toys each day. In the box there were all sorts of toys. One of the toys that I took for myself was the Star-Lord figure that is part of the Marvel Legends Infinite Series line. This line is also one that has a Build a Figure. The figure that gets built when you collect all of the figures is Groot. Continue reading Marvel Legends Infinite Series – Star-Lord Figure

Star-Lord, Gamora and The Milano

Photo-A-Day #3398

We received a large box of Guardians of the Galaxy toys from Hasbro to play with and review. Opinions of the toys are 100% our own. Since it is basically Guardians of the Galaxy week here on the blog I figured I’d show you toys each day. In the box there were all sorts of toys. Eva really enjoyed the two pack of 2.5″ figures and she loves Gamora. Andrew loves running all around with The Milano making the different sounds. Continue reading Star-Lord, Gamora and The Milano