Category Archives: Toys

LEGO Minifig Crayon Mold

Photo-A-Day #3053

Starting today I am a writer for the new e-zine from Cooper & Kid called Catch. I will be writing about play. My topic will cover projects and toys and more. My very first post is up today. It explains who I am and how I will be approaching Play. Please come and comment on the post as well as the others from great dads.

So I’ll be doing Play and projects. One such project that I’ll be writing about in the future is creating our own crayons using silicone molds. I ordered this mold above from as the first one to use as a test. We’ve got a ton of old crayons around the house and they will be perfect for melting down and turning into new crayons to enjoy.

Doing a search on for different silicone molds led me to start my own wishlist for molds that I’d like to use for other projects in the future, baking, candy, soap, candles. All sorts of things you can do with silicone molds. I started down a crazy rabbit hole of molds and started putting all of my favorites into a wishlist titled Silicone Molds. I’m excited to make these crayons with Eva and use them with both of the kids.

I have a bunch of fun ideas for projects and look forward to writing my new posts for Catch. Please join me there and help me with new ideas for Play.

Hey, You Missed a Spot

Photo-A-Day #3052

Being back at home and back to reality we were faced with a pretty messy living room. Part of the problem with reviewing so many toys is that we have, so many toys. The other part of the problem is that we have one tornado and one kid who finds putting away toys almost like torture. So, today, instead of getting done anything else we overhauled the living room play area, again. Everything was torn apart and reorganized and put together again.

I’m not sure if it is a lesson in futility or not but this seems to be something that gets done every couple of months. This time, at least we went through and threw out some of the junk that had been accumulated. I’m hoping that the organization and cleanup lasts for a couple of weeks or so, but we’ll see once Andrew really gets going. He is a whirlwind. Continue reading Hey, You Missed a Spot