Category Archives: Transformers

Lights and Sounds Optimus Prime Funko

Funko Prime
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01914

The other day I was seraching for some things on Amazon and I was trying to find the Origins Wheeljack figure that I cannot find anywhere. I noticed that there was a new Transformers Funko Pop figure, an Optimus Prime figure that has lights and sounds. When you tap the top of his head Prime will say two phrases and then will also make the transforming sound. I added this to the shelf that has all my Optimus Prime figures.

On The Warpath

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01913

I’ve gotten many of my Transformers figures out to display them and today I found another box of figures that I knew I had but hadn’t found previously. I knew that I had many figures that were updated figures that were reimagined G1 characters. One such character was Warpath the tank. I think they did an excellent job making this guy look like a total beast. Warpath was small in the show but powerful. He was part of the second wave of minicons. I think that I’ve gotten all that I’m going to take down from the attic for now. Got a couple more things on order to add to the display. I may try and find the Alternators and Binaltech figures and maybe some of the Botcon sets but maybe not. Depends on how many more times I want to go back up to the attic.