Category Archives: Transformers

My Wheeljack Collection

Wheeljack shelf
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01910

My Transformers Collection is now in residence in my office. Well, not the whole collection as there are so many more in the attic that are in boxes. I think I may have two or three more that are in boxes. There are also two more that I have not yet gotten in the mail. One of them is sold out but I hope to find it.

Transformers display

I also dug out a huge box of my original Transformers toys and I set them up in my display case. The top of the case are some specialty figures that I ordered. The next shelf down are my Autobots. Then the Decepticons. Under that are a mixture of figures from the 1986 movie and the bottom is full of random ones that I opened and like. Many are homage characters to their G1 counterparts. I realized that I had 5 out of the six original seekers (Decepticon jets) and maybe I might have another one up in the attic. I’ll have to look later this week.

Optimus and Wheeljack case

My Optimus and Wheeljack figures. These were my first two figures.

random transformers

the bottom row with random Transformers.

Omega Supreme and others

Omega Supreme and some of the Transformers Movie figures.


MY Decepticons. I never had a Megatron because he was a gun.


All my original autobots.

Unpacking the Transformers.

my transformers collection
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01909

Earlier in the week I packed up my Skylanders and Disney Infinity and LEGO Dimensions figures. Today I started going through the boxes in the attic to find the box of all my original Transformers figures. It took some digging but I found it. Now I’ll have to go through it and set them up in the display cases. I figured that I would do this because it is the 40th Anniversary of the Transformers and I turn 50 in less than two weeks. I’ve been a fan of Transformers for the past 40 years, too. So this will be a great display to enjoy. I’ll also start re-reading all of my Transformers comic books this year.