Category Archives: Video Game

Thus Begins my Disney Infinity Obsession

Photo-A-Day #3056

I told myself that I wouldn’t go crazy and buy a ton of Disney Infinity stuff. The problem is, they are all so cool. I pre-ordered a bunch of stuff because I had credits on Amazon and some PayPal money in my account, so I hadn’t really spent a lot of money, per se. So I got some power discs and ordered some and then opened some.

I’m still actually waiting for my review copy of the game. I haven’t even gotten the game yet. Whoops.

Unboxing Disney Infinity Power Discs and Power Disc Portfolio

Disney Infinity Power Disc Portfolio

Disney Infinity came out yesterday. I have not yet received my review copy of the game but am eagerly awaiting the arrival. I stopped over to Target yesterday and picked up a couple of power disc packs. This video is of me unboxing them. I also picked up a power disc portfolio so that I can keep all of my power discs from wave one organized. Below is the complete list of regular wave one power discs, there are some additional ones out there like Mike Wazowski’s car.

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