Dance Recital Photos

Photo-A-Day #3331

Today was Eva’s dance recital photo night. While I couldn’t take any photos of Eva while she was on the backdrop I went and took photos of her in the back of the room. I was using the NX300 with the 30mm lens. At the exact moment that I took this photo the flashes from the photographer went off and I got this really light looking photo. One the camera I didn’t exactly like ti but when I looked at it on computer I was blown away by it and the photo made me immediately think about Eva’s Wedding Day.

I am so blessed to have this sweet little girl in my life. She looks beautiful in her ballet costume and I can’t wait to see her perform her dance in a couple of weeks.

Before we went to the photos we had dinner at Dairy Queen. We had fun playing with the new NXMini and when I uploaded the photos to my Samsung Tablet they get backed up to Google +. Google + has a story mode option and it created a cool story out of my photos from the night. Here it is.

While we were waiting around I decided to take Andrew over to the Comic book store to get my comics. He had fun looking around the store. He wasn’t too bad and he didn’t get into too much either. He seemed to like all the books and I figure I’ll be taking him there many more times in the future.