Dinner with High School Friends

dinner with HS Friends
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01381

It really like that I work from home most of the time now. It allows me to take a couple of hours here and there to do things that I would have had to miss only a year ago. Case in point was tonight. A friend of mine from High School posted on Facebook that he would be in town and would like to meet up for drinks with anyone from our class who was local. I was able to take a couple of hours of PTO to go out and have dinner with him and three other friends.

It was nice to catch up with people that I had spent four very important years with. I loved High School and the friends that I made there. I got along with most everyone for the most part and catching up after many years is so much fun. We laughed, told stories and got caught up on the highlights of the past 30 years. Wow.

Tonight Andy went to a Parent’s Night Out at ABD. It was zombie survival training. I dropped him off before catching up with my friends and picked him up afterwards. He was having fun. They were playing the last game of the night, Green Light, Dead Light. When it was green light they could walk but when it was dead light they had to drop to the ground and pretend to be dead so as not to get caught by the Zombie. Mr. Kyle was Survival Dave complete with an accent, cowboy hat and beard. It was very funny. Andy had a great time.