I did this shopping trip already, back home and that time I picked up a Cap Light and not one of the Beam Headlights. Big Difference. So, I learned that I had to go back and do the shop again and it just so happened that I knew exactly what to use the Headlight for while on vacation. It has to do with this guy.

The title of this post is completely counter intuitive. How can something that lights up give someone better sleep. Oh, I didn’t mean my sleep, oh no, my sleep has been shot for years and vacations only make it worse. We are down in Florida visiting my in-laws for our vacation. Both kids are sleeping in the same room and my son is a terrible sleeper on a good day, on vacation he’s become impossible. This is the third night in a row that I’ve been up at 3-3:30am trying to get him back to sleep. He can get back to sleep with a little work. Me though, once I’m up, I’m up. 3am or 6am, it doesn’t matter. So, I might as well get some work done. Thing is, I can’t go turning lights on all over the house because that would wake people up and I can’t see my keyboard on my laptop from just the ambient light off of the screen. That is where I thought the night mode of the Energizer Headlight would help me best. If I’m going to run all night like the Energizer Bunny (@EnergizerBunny) I had better be able to see.

Lucky for me, my in-laws live almost around the corner from a Walmart so I could quickly shoot over there and buy a new Energizer Headlight. I took my son along in an effort to get him tired out and ready for bed. It didn’t work very well. He was wide awake when we returned. So I had him try on the Energizer Headlight.

I knew that I was going to need the Headlight tonight because of Andrew’s new vacation sleep pattern. I just knew that I’d be up again tonight. However, we still had to get him to sleep so it was time to go for a walk.

After his walk it was a couple of stories and a round or two of me singing “Hush Little Baby” and he was out. But that wouldn’t last.
At 3:30 my daughter came into our room to tell us that Andrew was up and awake. I heard him crying and got out of bed to get him. I have been able to get him up, sing a round or two of “Hush” and get him back in bed or at least onto the couch asleep with pillows on the floor in case he rolls off. But not tonight. My wife got up, too and helped my daughter with the bathroom. They left the light on and Andrew saw Mommy and whatever chance I had of getting him back to sleep quickly was shot. So, it was off for another walk. Seems very fortuitous that I got that Energizer Headlight earlier, doesn’t it.

Got Andrew back to sleep and it was now 4:15am. I was awake and would remain awake until later this morning, like maybe after I finish this post.

I came home and uploaded and captioned all of the photos from our shopping trip and our multiple walks and also me settling down to work to Google +. And then, I wrote this. I have been wearing the Energizer Headlight the whole time, too because with it I can see my keyboard on my laptop and not have to put on a light and wake up everyone else. This Energizer Headlight makes a very good night headlight.

I’m the one who can function most pleasantly on the least amount of sleep. So, yes, the title is correct. Energizer Headlights DO Light My Wake to a Better Night’s sleep. Just not for me.
I had to use something similar to that working on projects where the electrician didn’t give us temporary lighting. hope you are enjoying that “extra” quality time with Andrew.
Both types of lights are awesome but I love that the headlights are easy to use for adults and kids with no caps!