Photo-A-Day #1862
Last year my sister Tara found a big Tonka farm at a yard sale. When I got home today Allison, Eva and I played with the farm out on the front yard. Eva has names for all the animals. Wilbur for the pig, of course, Phillipe for both horses and the bull is named bull and the cow is named Bessie. The farmer is named Betsy. She insists on calling him Betsy. She cracks me up.
Today I did some filming for work. I ran the camera but received input on placement and lighting. I hardly ever think of lighting and I pretty much never set lighting before I take photos. For the most part I shoot what I see and I don’t stage things. Even yesterday’s Mr. Potato Head was barely moved from where I initially had it. I tend to move around a subject and get the shot I want rather than staging shots and setting lighting.
Funny since today’s photo is so blown out. But I like how It looks and really draws you to Eva’s eyes. |
I took a couple more photos while out on the yard.
could eva get any more beautiful!!! i look for her picture everyday.
Eva certainly does get more beautiful every single day.
Great shots Drew. They have a kind of peaceful look to them, which is amazing when you consider the subject is a toddler. LOL
.-= Look at what Deborah wrote blog ..ALL CLEAR: FeedMedic Alert for Babasfarmlife =-.
It is hard to get peaceful shots and still shots of a kid who is always in motion. 🙂
There is nothing better than watching children play. It’s relaxing xD