Each year we make a visit to Wild Time Comics for Free Comic Book Day. The tradition started with Eva years ago, but she was at Normandy Farms with her cousin Amanda. She has really been loving riding her bike lately and so proud of herself for having the training wheels removed.
this year it was Andrew and I attending the event. Eva did ask that I be on the lookout for something about the X-Men. She seems to be interested in that series, especially X-Men Evolution. We got 6 issues of that last year and she wanted more like that. I found a compilation of many essential X-Men stories and picked that up for her. It was nice because Andrew spun the wheel and got a 40% off coupon for our purchases for the day. It was pretty busy there but we were one of the first people in the door. I always try to arrive early because of work. This year I did not have to go into work on Saturday night so we hung around a little while longer than usual.We picked up some fun free books and then got some photos with folks dressed up.

Andrew was excited because Rocket and Groot were there. We had a great time at the event and look forward to going again next year.