Free Comic Book Day 2021

At Free Comic Book Day
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00957

Today was Free Comic Book Day and as is tradition with me and the kids we headed to Wild Time Comics. There we were each able to pick 5 of the free books. We also picked up some other books for Andy. It was great for us to find some graphic novels that he would be excited to read.

The kids with The Batmobile

There were some fun things to do at the event today. There were cosplayers and also some cool vehicles. The kids posed near the Batmobile. Eva posed with at least one cosplayer but Andy was standoffish after seeing some of the animatronic items. There are some scary villains and such there. Andy is not a fan and when that happens he doesn’t want to do anything further. He still had fun but just wasn’t in to getting any photos with the cosplayers, even Batman and the Batman was a really good one.