Free Comic Book Day 2022

Free Comic Book Day
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01229

Today was Free Comic Book Day over at Wild Time Comics. Randy and the crew moved the celebration to this week because the weather was not going to cooperate last week. They really lucked out today with a great day. With the new location they had a bunch of room to set up a great outside display.

Eva had a nice time. One of the comics that we have been reading together finally put out the final issue. She also picked up a Stanger Things comic and a Legend of Korra/Avatar one. Eva also saw someone there wearing merchandise from her favorite streaming group, Dream SMP. So she told them that she liked their jacket and they told her that hey liked her pins.

New Controller

I had to pick up a new controller because my other one had major drift. It made it so hard to actually play any games and making video was near impossible. I’m looking to get a repair kit but I don’t know if it will completely fix the problem. If it does then I will have a backup. If it doesn’t then I definitely made the right choice to get a new one.