Photo-A-Day #2145
Today I had a pretty amazing day in the world of social media. I was a guest on both the Fitarella.TV and Digital Dads TV shows on The Pulse Network. I’m very lucky to be able to live close enough to the Pulse Network to make it over for a show. I met Jacqueline Carly AKA (@Fitarella) at Boston Media Makers a few months ago. We did a video interview together after that and she asked me if I would like to be on a show. I was happy to do so. I’ve wanted to go to see what The Pulse was all about and how they did their shows. I met Kyle MacNaught (@KyleMacNaught) at a Southern New England Media Makers meetup and asked him if I could come earlier and observe what happens behind the scenes. He was up for it and I loved being able to see what happens when a show is being produced.
I got to the Pulse Network at noon and jumped into the control room with Kyle as he produced The Water Cooler, a show with Tyler Pyburn (@TyPyburn) and Maggie Rulli (@Maggie Rulli) this was a fun lighthearted show all about those funny and strange things that people would send you throughout the day. This was fun to watch and see them run the tricaster. I shot a few photos while I was there in the control room.

At 1:00 I was on with Jaq and her trainer Esther. We had a fun time talking about getting healthy and then we weighed in on a bunch of articles about fitness, health, obesity and more. The show went by so quickly and I know I didn’t say half about what I could have said in that time because I think I was shell shocked by being part of a live broadcast. I did get to talk a bit about Road to Thin and I think I forgot to mention all the guys. I know that I did mention everyone while I was on Digital Dads TV. I did remember to plug the podcast and talk about what we are trying to do overall. Being on the show was fun and afterwards we discussed meeting up again and doing a show at the gym. I can’t wait.
Then it was 2:00 (before I knew it, the two hours flew by) and it was time for Digital Dads TV with C. C. Chapman (@cc_chapman). C.C. did the first part of the show and after the first break I got to go on and talk with him for a while. We discussed what was going on with me and the Road to Thin guys as well as a few gadgets that I brought along to the show. I’ve had an XShot Kayak Mount and an XShot to give to C.C. Ever since I saw a post that he put up on his blog about taking a video camera out kayaking. Because of that I contacted him and offered for us to go kayaking together. We never did get to do that last year but after today we made plans to kayak this year and record a segment on the water for Digital Dads TV. That is going to be a lot of fun. The one thing I did forget to do was bring along my Kindle and have C. C. Sign it. Well, I’ll make sure I have it with me next time.
I have to also give thanks to my friend Bruce K. Garber (@BruceKGarber). Bruce watched the shows and he captured a bunch of screen shots while the show was going on. Here are a couple of them.
This was a great day. I am looking up to both follow up adventures!
Well I am glad you had a wonderful day. Looks like you got to do all sorts of neat things. Congrats on being on the shows.
Thank you Tanya,
Being on the shows was a lot of fun. Everyone was great and I had a good time.