Photo-A-Day #4652
I’ve seen the LEGO Marvel Brick Headz out there for months and I even picked up Iron man early on. I also picked up the Disney Belle one and so each of the kids got a Brick Heads character. The line didn’t do that well because now they are all over clearance at Target and because of that I finished out the collection of Marvel ones. Actually I finished out the collection for both me and Andrew. So I guess I didn’t really save much since I have my own figures and so does he. The last one that he didn’t have was Black Widow and I wasn’t finding her anywhere but found a bunch of them for $4.98 at Target tonight so Andrew has a full set, too. I found Captain America the other day and he made that on Friday morning before he came in to wake us up. Actually, no, he came in to have us cut open the bags and then he built it. So he still woke us. But, I was proud of him building the figure on his own.