Talking about Lost

Lost is back on TV. After that long hiatus it is finally back. The first two episodes of the 16 straight with no repeats were great. I loved the one last night that focused on Desmond and the end blew me away. Nice twist. I have been spending some time getting my LOST fix. I have been listening to The Official Lost Podcast hosted by creator/executive producer Damon Lindelof and executive producer Carlton Cuse. I also like reading the posts from Entertainment Weekly after the episode airs. I recently came across TV Squad and their posts about Lost and various other TV shows. I like those as well. Reading them lets me catch a few things that I may have missed in the show itself.

I thought last night’s episode was fantastic and it really brought out a new way to tell the story. The whole flashback but not a flashback but maybe a deja vu was really cool. The transitions were also good. I’m not sure about the escaping fate thing, seemed very much like a Final Destination thing. If you cheat death it will find you somehow. But I liked seeing more about Desmond. Penny’s dad was a jerk. That was such a crushing refusal if ever I saw one.

Photo-A-Day #677 02/14/07

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. Today we had a Nor’ Easter here in Massachusetts. Where I worked there was snow all day and we got sent home early because of the bad road conditions. At home the weather was warmer and there was rain. However, earlier in the day there was snow and freezing rain. Since we all had work today and the bulk of the snow came after we left there was much to do upon return to the house.

When I got home Tara was already shoveling the driveway (we have a rather large driveway that we usually do with two snowblowers now that Tara and Erik live here and have a snowblower). I changed and got our there to shovel as well. Since it was raining I did not want to wear my winter hat, I wanted to keep completely dry on the top of my head. Well, the only thing I have that is completely waterproof is my ski helmet. So that is what I wore. Plus if I slipped and fell on my ass I would have a safe head. We got the driveway completely clear of snow and slush, just in time for it to freeze over. The driveway will be a slip and slide tomorrow morning.

Today is Valentine’s Day and Allison and I exchanged gifts today. Allison got me the complete series of The Office, The BBC version. I am so eager to watch this. I picked up Allison some lovely flowers because now we have a room where she can appreciate them and the cats are prevented from eating them or knocking them over. I also got her a gift certificate to the Kitting store down the street.

I hope everyone had a nice Valentine’s Day.

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