Hanging in Columbia, MO

My demo today was super short and so I had the rest of the day to enjoy the area. I took some advice from my friend Ryan who has family here to check out Shakespeare’s Pizza. That was some good pizza. I did not find a Toy’s R Us but did manage to find all but three of the the Car’s die cast toys including Lizzie the very hard to find model T type car. If you can’t tell I am very excited about this movie. I have loved the Disney Pixar Stuff so much and this one and the Incredibles will probably be my favorites.

This week I have a Jeep Liberty to tool around in. I also have Sirus Satellite Radio. And I have had the tuner set to channel 103 which is Blue Collar Radio featuring comedy bits from the Blue Collar guys as well as other comedians. Some funny stuff.

I also found this fun interactive poster of the movie Cars. Interactive Cars Poster

Photo-A-Day #424 06/06/06

I stopped into this store, it was something like Nostalgiaville or something. They had everything from I love Lucy, Peanuts, Elvis, Old Movies, Penny candy for 25 cents. They even had Balsa Wood planes. Remember those, good for one or two flights till you wound the propeller to a double knot and it broke, and yet only went about 2 feet further than the proper wind.

My sisters and I used to work at a candy store on the cape. Each Sunday we would get up early and stuff the inserts and ads and comics into the Sunday paper. After we were done we would sometimes get $5.00 but most often we got a bag of candy. I’m not talking crappy candy either. We would get boxes of Nerds, Rinky Dinks (Made by Willy Wonka but are no longer in existence, think small gobstoppers that were sour and came in Lime, Orange, Cherry Strawberry, Lemon and Grape, my favorite candies ever by the way.) We even got to run the register and other stuff. That candy store and the adjoining Ice Cream shop is long gone now, torn down and made into a 1.5 million a condo complex. Great memories from those days working for candy.

One Family's Adventures in the World