Today Allison, Eva and I went to IKEA. We hadn’t been in a very long time because, well we tend to spend when we go there. Now, with Financial Peace University we’re putting most of our money towards paying down debt and saving. However, when Allison and Eva were gone I threw out one of our rugs, the thing was atrocious. It was one of those oval woven rugs from the 70’s and it had been shredded with time and the cats and the couches and also with the vacuum. I was cleaning the house after the Cable company came and I cleaned up after they left only to have the vacuum eat the rug. In my frustration I shoved the table off the rug, rolled it up, and tossed the rug on the porch. When I cleaned the floor underneath, I think I found Jimmy Hoffa and a couple of broken crayons under there as well. Dave or no Dave (Ramsey that is), we needed a new rug.
After Church we headed over to IKEA. It was actually an early morning for us and we got there right as the place opened. Eva did pretty well around the top floor of IKEA. She tried out pretty much everything she came in contact with and she liked so much of the stuff. We did as well. There is a kitchen that we would love to live in and I think we’ll probably replace the couches with some IKEA ones eventually. They are very practical and easy to change whenever we’d like, (lots of perfectly fitted slipcovers and believe me I hate slipcovers, other than the IKEA ones, they never fit right.) We found the rugs and picked out one for the living room and another for Eva’s room. |
If you have never been to IKEA, it is pretty well layed out (to make more money for IKEA) and basically you are brought through the top floor to see how all the items fit perfectly together and look wonderful. Then you go downstairs and get carts and buy all the things that you wrote down with golf pencils and cards on the top floor. It is nearly impossible to get out of there for under $200.00. However, we had a list of what we needed, rugs, non slip pads for under the rugs, and bedding for Eva. We stuck to that too and only picked up a few extras like a light for under the sink in the kitchen and a few fabric boxes to organize the front hall closet (a never ending and always losing battle). Along the Way we found the kitchen that we loved.
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From Photo-A-Day #2010 |
Well have to start saving for that one as well as for the house to put it in.
Eva really loved the bed in the photo above, she jumped in it and snuggled in then picked up one of the IKEA books and started telling us a story. It is hard to hear but I did record a little of it.
We also enjoyed a little lunch there and a snack on the way out. Eva fell asleep right after we bought the fabric boxes because she passed right out on one of them.
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From Random Photos |
It was a pretty successful trip with the family and we did not break the budget.
Well at least you know how to make her nap, now. IKEA every day! I love that kid, she is too darn cute!
That might get really expensive, however it is effective.
I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove her storytelling!!! What a cutie!!
Ikea is awesome…I’ve only been there once and made it out spending less than 10 bucks…true story. I bought glasses, a can opener, and 3 sets of wooden spatulas for Christmas gifts. It was a fun day! It’s like Disney World!! I really wish it was here when I moved down…I totally would have gone Ikea for my living room. There’s still a dining room to consider…and possibly…eventually…hopefully a permanent non-rented address.
We were looking around and saying, that would be great… in a next house. I wish I had gotten the whole story, it was so funny. You can tell all the influences in it as well. So funny.
eva is soooo cute! can i adopt her
hope you can follow and join the daily party
you’re invited to a BLOG PARTY!
would love to know the “leader” of im not a famous blogger team more
.-= Look at what rj’s mama wrote blog ..yes, i want an iPad! =-.
RJ’s Mama,
Nope, she is all ours, LOL.
Hmm, I will have to check out this blog party thing. I may be able to write something.
lol … sounds like our trips to IKEA and they always end with Swedish meatballs!
.-= Look at what dale wrote blog ..Blogging and Photography =-.
No meatballs today, I’m not a fan. I did get a hot dog and Allison got ice cream. We did pick up some meatballs for our friend Mike.
That is a nice kitchen. I think Eva must be fun to take shopping.
.-= Look at what Deborah wrote blog ..ALL CLEAR: FeedMedic Alert for blogspot/aaJA =-.
A very nice kitchen indeed. Allison loved how the dishwasher face looked just like the cabinets.
She’s so cute! Siam does the same thing, only he prefers the bunk bed room (the one with the blue tent on the top bunk)! Love the picture of her with Ikea-Coma too! Sad but true, I’ve been to that Ikea so many times I know exactly where that kitchen is…I drool over it every time I walk by
.-= Look at what SavvySuzie wrote blog ..Planet Earth on DVD or Blu-Ray – 60% off! =-.
It is too bad I missed that message about Seamus. I would have said hello. The IKEA coma was great, she was so wiped out that she slept great that whole night as well.
Too bad you didn’t find Whitey Bulger under that old rug. You’d be rich enough from the reward to buy a house and the nice IKEA kitchen to go into it!
I haven’t set foot in an IKEA since I lived in the DC area many eons ago, and bought furniture from one in northern Virginia. Never got to the Stoughton one, but maybe I will. They are supposed to be opening up one in Somerville, at Assembly Square, next year, but no recent word on that. I think IKEA is great, and want to shop there again!
.-= Look at what Christine wrote blog ..When it rains, it pours! =-.
You should hit up IKEA some day before a Brockton Rocks game. We enjoy going every once in a while but we need to go when we deliberately need something otherwise it gets too overwhelming.
I love going to there to get ideas for things I want to create or for how to organize a small space. Plus, my daughter loves playing in the kids area, so I get free time to explore. Some of their real wood furniture is not so bad.
I am a fan of IKEA as well. There are so many ideas that you can come up with when you go to the store. I keep seeing new things that I would love to do.