Allison, Eva and I went to the Cape today. We’re going to Edaville Railroad tomorrow and felt like heading down to the Cape so we’d have a shorter drive int he morning. We’d also be able to sleep a little longer there. For some reason we always sleep later at the Cape.
We went out to the British Beer Company for dinner (like I didn’t just come back from England.) I love their pizza. The buffalo chicken pizza was fantastic.
The photo is of a glass starfish that hangs in my sister’s room here at the Cape. It makes me remember that poem “The Starfish Flinger”. Tara used that in her High School Graduation speech. Here is the poem if you have never read it before.
“As the old man walked the beach at dawn, he noticed a young man ahead of him picking up starfish and flinging them into the sea. Finally catching up with the youth, he asked him why he was doing this.
The answer was that the stranded starfish would die if left until the morning sun.
“But the beach goes on for miles and there are millions of starfish,” countered the other. “How can your effort make any difference?”
The young man looked at the starfish in his hand and then threw it to safety in the waves.
“It made a difference to that one,” he said.
– Anonymous“
So, who will you make a difference to today?
You make a difference to me and Eva every day. I hope that we tell you enough.
.-= Look at what Allison wrote blog ..A Visit to the Eric Carle Museum =-.
I weighed in with a lengthy passionate comment about our present Health debate at another blog. I hope it may sway at least one of my countrymen.
Fantastic photo!
AND, did you know that Tilden of, “I Am Not a Famous Blogger” works at Edaville? And I hope I have just made a difference in your life by pointing you toward the best cook there!
.-= Look at what quilly wrote blog ..Six More Words! =-.
You and Eva certainly do, even on those nights when Eva is up at 4:00am and “No want Dada”. But you guys certainly let me know that I make a difference.
Good luck with that, I hope that it helps. I’ve been drinking Vemma which has mangosteen in it.
I did not know that. Thanks for letting me know. So what is your connection? I see that you have Tilden’s feed on your blog and you guys couldn’t be further apart geographically and still be in the US. Related? Good friends? I see that you guys participate in the same photo memes. That is very cool, thanks for letting me know!
That is a stunning photo and poem…I’ve never heard it before. You guys make a very big, happy difference in my life every day:)
Have fun at Edaville:)
Lovely starfish and poem. I think you make a difference in a lot of peoples lives. Something we should all strive for.
.-= Look at what Baba wrote blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.
That brings back memories. As I remember there weren’t many dry eyes at Tara’s graduation while she was giving that speach.
it was great seeing you today! i’m glad we ran into each other…
.-= Look at what tilden wrote blog .. =-.
Thanks very much, we are very lucky to have you as our friend.
Edaville was fun.
Thank you. I know that your daily comments really make a difference to me. Thank you for that.
I love that you don’t put in Grandfather when you post on Mom’s Computer. I too remember that day on Tara’s Graduation. It was a very proud moment watching my sister make such a speech. And also knowing that she lives that poem her whole life.
I hope it wasn’t too weird meeting up with me totally random and out of the blue. If I had more advanced warning I certainly would have tried to get in touch with you so you knew we were coming. It is always fun to meet another blogger especially a local one. We had a good time at the park too.
I love that story. Great advice to live your life by.
Isn’t it. I love it and it has been a part of our lives for a very long time.