Photo-A-Day #1794
Continuing a family weekend we were up early on Sunday and Eva and I played many games, she comes up with so many fun ones. We also played flash cards with her newest obsession National Geographic Little Kids magazine. Before we started Financial Peace University I ordered NatGeoKids. There is a great interactive website for the magazine as well. This magazine is not to be confused with National Geographic Kids which is more of a real magazine with longer involved stories.
The little kids magazine is a smaller size and perfect for little hands. The quality is fantastic because it is a National Geographic product. Also inside each issue are six flash cards of animals with little facts on the back.
Eva and I had tons of fun running through each of the cards and then she played this little game where she put all of them into a glove and carried them off to her “meeting”. Eva now goes to “meetings” like mommy and daddy. I guess that is because of our Thursday night activities with FPU.
We had a nice time at Church. Eva was very good and she even brought her NatGeoKids books with her to read during Mass. She was pretty good and also making friends with the people in front and behind us. She is very social.
After Church we went over to the North Attleboro Winter Farmer’s Market. Eva met up with her little friend C. They played together pretty well and a playdate is in the works. We picked up some good stuff at the Farmer’s Market including a delicious bagette and some Kettle Crack or Kettle Corn. I’m addicted to that stuff. The newest edition of products at the market are fresh lobsters. The people who sell the lobster catch it right near their home bring them to be sold and if they don’t sell they are released. The lobsters do not spend forever in a tank. If we budget that for a future trip I think fresh Lobster might be a nice meal for us.
For our evening Allison made a delicious ham, beans broccoli and mac and cheese dinner with homemade applesauce. It was delicious and with a bunch left over to make a tasty Egg bake dinner later in the week. It is all about planning and leftovers.
Tonight I also had a great phone conversation/interview with Kevin Metzger of My Spelling Sucks. He’s working on his book called DADvocates. He interviewed me for the book, how cool is that.
Kevin is a really great guy and I enjoy talking with him. His daughter Haley just released her first ever book: I Am Not Weird!. I cannot wait to read it either. I am so impressed by what the Metzger family has done to educate others about Cerebal Palsy. Here is what the back of the book states.
“Haley, a first grader, never thought of herself as different because she has cerebral palsy. When a new classmate told her she was weird because she wore braces and walked funny, Haley was upset. She did not know what to do or what to say as a response. With help from her parents and grandmother Haley decided to write a book explaining that she was not weird-cerebral palsy is not weird. Haley tells what cerebral palsy means and tells all that she does, just like everyone else. Haley brought her book to school and it was read to the class to help the children understand. Haley is proud of herself and hopes her book will help others to understand about cerebral palsy.
Haley is an incredible girl who’s just like anyone else except she walks differently. Haley’s writing guide is RayeRaye, her grandmother, the director of a pre-school where she helped to facilitate a model inclusionary pre-school in Atlanta. Haley lives in Marietta, Georgia with her parents and sister and brother.“
How amazing is that? If you want to get your own copy of the book please go to http://www.myspellingsucks.com/weird (not aff link just want to help support this book). 10% of the proceeds of the sales of the book are being donated to the ALC. The (ALC) Adaptive Learning Center.
Or conversation was a good one and I hope to do something like that again with Kevin in the future.
Drew, Thank you for your kind words. I was thrilled to talk with you last night and love reading your blog. BTW send me an email with your address so I can send a copy of the book.
.-= Look at what Kevin wrote blog ..I Am Not Weird! =-.
I will shoot you over that address asap. I’m happy to support a wonderful book for a great cause.
I love that Eva is going to meetings already- such an overachiever. She’s going to have her own company before she’s 5 (BenSparkles, maybe?)!
Thanks for the info on Dadvocate and Haley’s book. My little cousins sometimes get into that mode where they don’t understand why someone isn’t just like they are. It’s not weird at all- hopefully sharing the book with them will help.
I’m not sure about the meetings thing. Meetings are soul draining for the most part. Or maybe just where I work. I’m off to another one right now. Boring. But our FPU meetings are great.
I’m glad I could introduce Haley’s book to you as well. I’m really looking forward to reading it.
I am really love to see Eva
.-= Look at what Heru Kurniawan wrote blog ..Viral Marketing Becomes Mobile =-.
Thank you. Glad that you are enjoying the photos that I post. Eva is a lovable, sweet kid.