My Sweet, Wonderful, willful little boy.
Yes, I started yesterday’s post that very same way but my whole week has started the very same way. Andrew wakes up before 5am after having woken up at some point during the middle of the night where Allison got him and rocked him back to sleep. When he wakes up near 5 or 6am I get up quickly before he can smash down the baby gate and wake up Eva. Every morning he sees me and waves his hands in front of his face and yells, “Nooo! Mommy!”
I have to be honest, this really, really weighed heavily on me and today I was fed up with it. There is nothing I can really do about it but I was all done with the behavior. Four straight days waking up before 6am to a child screaming that they did not want anything to do with you. It got to me. I brought him downstairs and we watched some shows. At first he sat on my and snuggled a bit but I was too upset with the initial morning rejection that I moved him off to the side and focused on a game while he watched TV. Was it right, nope? I’m not proud of it but I had finally had enough of those early morning rejections and I didn’t want to do anything with him.
Let’s just say that my workout this morning was vigorous when I worked out my frustrations. God bless my fit coach and there being an empty club so I could vent a bit while I cranked through my elliptical workout. I was so amped that I completely forgot my shoes when I left. I had to get going to pick up Andrew so that Allison could have a coffee with a friend.
I picked up Andrew and figured I’d try to turn around the day. I was going to take him over to the park and also to get some hot dogs at Tex Barry’s.
He cried and screamed for Allison half the way through ride home. I let him let it out because he wasn’t going to wake anyone up while I drove. so I let him scream. He eventually stopped. Then he fell asleep about a block away, so we went home. I carried him in and laid him on the couch. I played some Skylanders for a while and watched some TV. He woke up after an hour and was still pretty groggy. I put down the game and picked him up and held him. He cried for Allison. However, he fell back asleep on me and I fell asleep as well. It was a good feeling to have him sleep on me. It is all that I want. I just want to hold this sweet, funny, willful little boy.
Hey Drew,
Your little cute boy’s small is so sweet. By the picture I can guess about his nature that he is funny by nature
Am I right?