Tag Archives: 8mm Movies

The Importance of Preserving the Past

When I started being an ambassador for YesVideo I didn’t quite know what I’d be getting from the slides, VHS Tapes, and 8mm movies that I would send away. Some stuff was silly, much of it poorly shot, by me but much more of it brought back so many fun memories. On one of the 8mm movies there were a bunch of 30 second clips. On one clip there was me and my Dad around 1977 or ’78. I’m not sure I think I was either 3 or 4 from the looks of it. Dad and I are riding around on the tractor in the back yard, probably preparing it for seeding or smoothing the ground for the clubhouse that my Dad built.

The video is one very treasured memory of mine. I am glad that I was able to preserve that bit of footage through using the YesVideo service. We have quite a few more 8mm movies, old VHS tapes and many slides. I wonder what else we could discover if we converted those too.

Disclosure: This post was created in connection with my appointment as an Ambassador for YesVideo. Visit www.facebook.com/yesvideo to join the conversation.

Out in California Making Memories

Photo-A-Day #2580

I’m in California for the next two days. I’m here as a blogger ambassador for YesVideo. The company has brought me in along with some other bloggers to tour the company as well as go and play hard and make some fun memories. We are having a Big Kid Play Date. I’m here with bloggers @MommaDJane, @mommycosm, @queenscarlett and @1momof5. Continue reading Out in California Making Memories